When a company invests in development of any kind, the goal is to help individual employees and the organization succeed.
Individually, the focuses of goals are about results – behavioral changes to improve outcomes.
For the organization investing in development, improved results are still the goal, but likely more strategic than tactical development. The organization also wants to build a leadership pipeline for the future and develop the coaching skills of its leaders that enable them to build the skills of others, as well.
According to a 2011 Bersin study, organizations whose senior leadership “very frequently” make an effort to coach others have 21% higher business results.
Organizations that effectively prepare managers to coach are 33% better at engaging employees and are 130% more likely to realize stronger business results, according to the same study.
When Career Partners International engages and teaches a coaching methodology to leaders in client organizations, key aspects include:
A final critical aspect of successful engagements is that participants have a strong desire to learn and grow.
Recently, we had a coaching engagement with two individuals from the same organization. One needed some polish in particular areas in preparation for a promotion. The other needed to change their behavior to improve performance or they’d be let go.
The polishing engagement was very successful. Over time, the candidate’s improved confidence and presentation were a critical factor in their promotion. The other engagement, however, didn’t go well. It was clear early on that the participant didn’t embrace the need to change in order to succeed.
These examples highlight the necessity of a desire to learn and grow and its ability to help people improve. Executive coaching for leaders helps stimulate typical learning patterns (Fig. 2 below: Copyright Camden Consulting) that regularly flat line (Fig. 1 above: Copyright Camden Consulting) without reaching desired goals. Continual reinforcement of the desire to learn and grow allows people to succeed through regular training and feedback.
Providing executive coaching services to leaders enables them to not only improve their performance and development over time, but also utilize coaching skills and methods to improve their direct reports’ performance. This positive feedback loop creates continual gains for organizations through leadership pipelines and helps them improve overall performance.
Have you ever seen the need for better performance in your organization and used coaching and development to improve it? Tell us your story in the comments below.
Coutu, D. & Kaufmann, C., (2009) HBR Research Report: What Can Coaches Do for You? Harvard Business Review 87(1), 92. https://hbr.org/2009/01/what-can-coaches-do-for-you
Bower, K., (2012) Journal of Practical Consulting, Vol. 4, Iss. 1, pp. 1-5 Regent University http://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/jpc/vol4iss1/JPC_Vol4Iss1_Bower.pdf
Greene, B., (2012) CPIWorld.com, The Power of a Coaching Culture on Organizational Performance, Career Partners International http://cpiworld.azurewebsites.net/knowledge-center/white-papers/the-power-of-a-coaching-culture-on-organizational-performance
Career Partners International offers Manager As Coach Learning Series, designed to infuse a coaching culture – over time – throughout an organization. For more information about how this program can help with your performance objectives, contact your local CPI Partner or visit the Manager As Coach Learning Series page on our website.
Russ is a creative problem solver and storyteller seeking to match client challenges to the expertise offered by Career Partners International – Tulsa. He also serves on the sales and social media committees. Russ has been an active part of the Tulsa community for 20 years in marketing and sales roles in a variety of industries with a passion for serving the community. Russ’ passion for assisting job seekers brings an exceptional passion to our team. Russ has a bachelor’s degree in management from Oklahoma State University and serves as a volunteer leader with the job search ministries at First Methodist and Asbury.
Career Partners International provides top quality talent management services to organizations of all sizes. Their offices around the world help assess, engage, develop, and transition talent in any industry. To find out more about Career Partners International and how you can maximize your organizational performance, reach out to an office near you or contact us today!