CPI Focused On Wellbeing And Care For Your People
Populations around the world are experiencing and responding to the impact of COVID-19 in many different ways. At Career Partners International we are ensuring our people and systems are protected and performing, so your people can be served as you expect. We are uniquely positioned to provide local response and service through a globally consistent framework. Our Headquarters Operations, Members, and Technical Solutions partners all benefit from being geographically distributed and remote. This structure enables us to shift resource needs and services seamlessly around the world. Each Member and Service partner is implementing procedures for: visitors, travel, and work from home access; facilities hygiene practices; operational backup and redundancy plans; and communication and coverage systems all at a scope and scale in line with the degree of impact in their area.
Beyond our ability to provide continuity of care to your people participating in our programs, you may have questions related to the stability of our technical infrastructure at the center of continued delivery performance in the face of a Pandemic. Our Business Continuity Plan is kept current and related staff training is up to date. Business Continuity at CPI includes preparations to help assure the viability and reliability of CPI internal infrastructure in the face of a major crisis, including Pandemics and Epidemics.
We recognize issues created by COVID-19 add stress and complication to the already complex world in which we all work. CPI is here and uniquely able to help, and wish you and your people throughout the world continued success and good health.
-Bill Kellner, President & CEO of Career Partners International