Explore the Rebellious Future of HR with Career Partners International
September 10, 2018
Career Partners International (CPI) is pleased to announce our partners’ continuing support of DisruptHR. With over thirty years of experience in outplacement, executive coaching, leadership development, and career management CPI makes it a point to stay at the leading edge of Human Resources best practices and innovation. DisruptHR is an international event series focused on bringing together the region’s best HR practitioners, corporate executives, and thought leaders to explore “the rebellious future of HR”.
Our CPI local firms are thrilled to continue their support of DisruptHR at the following events:
- New York City, New York – September 13th – Sponsored by The Ayers Group A CPI Firm.
- Atlanta, Georgia – September 13th – Andrea Holyfield of Warren Averett, A CPI Firm, will be presenting “Trolling for Authentic Relationships”.
- Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina – September 19th – Sponsored by Keystone Partners, A CPI Firm. Kathryn Seni will be presenting “So You Wanna be a CPO? Ditch the Old Path to the Top”.
- London, Ontario – September 19th – Hosted by Carswell Partners, A CPI Firm. CPI Board of Directors Vice-Chairman and President of Carswell Partners, Terry Gillis, will be hosting and presenting “HR needs an enema”.
- Boston, Massachusetts – September 20th – Sponsored by Keystone Partners, A CPI Firm. Brenda Stanton, V.P. at Keystone Partners, will be presenting “Abolish Pedestals & Power Trips: create a culture of trust”.
- Orange County, California – September 27th – Hosted by Power Connections A CPI Firm.
- Buffalo, New York – October 16th – Sponsored by Career Partners International Buffalo / Niagara. Dottie Austin, Principal Owner of Career Partners International Buffalo / Niagara, will be providing the event introduction.
- Edmonton, Alberta – November 6th – Sponsored by Pathfind, A CPI Firm.
- San Diego, California – November 7th – Sponsored by Power Connections, A CPI Firm.
With each event featuring a variety of speakers all covering unique topics in five-minute sessions, there are sure to be some eye-opening discussions. Join Career Partners International and reserve your space online at DisruptHR.